Pediatric Sleep Consulting


Two-Week Sleep Consultation

Looking for a full night of sleep? Brittany can help you! This is possible in just 2 weeks!

  • A customized sleep plan fit just for your infant or toddler!
  • Two 30 minute phone consultations, one at the beginning and end.
  • Two weeks of unlimited email and text support. 

Investment: $449

What's Included? 

Just the Plan

Looking for a full night of sleep in just 2 weeks but don't want help troubleshooting along the way? This is the plan for you!

  • A customized sleep plan fit just for your infant or toddler!
  • One 30 minute phone consultation in the beginning to customize your plan. 

Investment: $249

30 Minute Ask Me Anything Call

Who does this serve best? 

This serves the family best whose infant or toddler has already established great sleep skills and knows how to fall asleep independently but is a bit off their usual great sleep! If your child doesn't know how to fall asleep independently, check out the two-week consultation or just the plan for sleep in just 2 weeks! 

what's included? 

Have you ever thought about how you can help support your employees at home? Many employees come into work sleep deprived because they were up all night with their kids! Let's discuss how you can support your employees with a seminar on sleep training!

Corporate Wellness Program

30 Minute Ask Me Anything Call

Who does this serve best? 

This serves the family best whose infant or toddler has already established great sleep skills and knows how to fall asleep independently but is a bit off their usual great sleep! If your child doesn't know how to fall asleep independently, check out the two-week consultation or just the plan for sleep in just 2 weeks! 

Investment: $169

Let's get started!


We came to Brittany and were pretty desperate. A 2 year old who was still sleeping with us and a 9 month old who slept on top of me & wanted to eat all night. Between the two of them I was sleeping in 45 min increments. I was nervous we had done too much damage but Brittany assured me there was hope! She put together a detailed plan and answered all my questions so we were confident to commit to the plan. After two nights our 10m old was sleep in her crib on her own and a week in we were napping on our own! I still am amazed how quickly our little one was able to adjust, we wouldn't have been able to do it without Brittany's guidance! Nighttime isn't a dreaded part of our day now!
--Jessica Walsh


Brittany helped to get my almost 2yo to *finally* sleep through the night! I thought I had tried every strategy, but she had one in her pocket that worked especially well for him. She followed up daily via text and allowed me to ask endless questions. You can buy a book or take a course, but nothing compares to the personalized sleep plan for your child and troubleshooting your specific issues. Our little boy now runs to his room at night and looks forward to his routine. He sits up in bed until he is ready to sleep then lays down. When he wakes, he calls out to us when he is ready. He is able to stay awake now at school and actually participate! Brittany was so extremely helpful, relatable, and professional!
--Leslie Lively


We recently used Brittany Montague for our 1 and 3 year old. She is absolutely amazing! I was literally dying from 5-6 wake ups a night from the baby and 2-3 from the 3 year old. I literally never slept and worked full time. Desperate for help we contacted Brittany and had our consult. THREE DAYS. Three days and the baby was sleeping through the night! This was about a month ago and he still is! As for the 3 year old, ONE night and we are on night 5 of him sleeping through the night and independently. I cannot recommend her enough! She is so sweet and helpful on customizing a personalized sleep plan for your kids. Her outline is clear and you know exactly what to expect. You can tell she loves what she does. I can’t thank her enough!
--Brittany Rives

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